Bedtime Bites

The Sleepy Train’s Midnight Ride

A sleepless girl boards the Sleepy Train for a whimsical dream journey filled with enchanting sights and friendly passengers.

  • 3 min read
The Sleepy Train’s Midnight Ride
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In a cozy little town, where the stars twinkled bright, Lived a girl named Ivy, who couldn’t sleep at night. She tossed and she turned, with her eyes open wide, Until she heard a whistle, soft and low, outside.

Ivy peeked through her window, and what did she see? A magical train, as blue as the deep sea. Its windows glowed softly, with a warm, gentle light, And a sign on its side read, “The Sleepy Train’s Midnight Ride.”

The train seemed to beckon, with a friendly old face, So Ivy slipped on her slippers and crept from her place. She tiptoed down stairs, and out through the door, To find the train waiting, with a sweet little snore.

“All aboard,” whispered the train, with a yawn and a smile, “For a journey of dreams that will last quite a while.” Ivy climbed up the steps, her heart full of glee, And found the most wonderful sights to see.

The seats were all pillows, soft and plump, And the floor was a carpet that felt like a cloud to jump. Teddy bears served hot cocoa in cups made of dreams, While the conductor, a rabbit, sewed blankets at the seams.

As the train chugged along on its tracks made of stars, Ivy met passengers from near and far. A sleepy giraffe who counted sheep as they leapt, And a yawning lion who purred as he slept.

They passed through a forest of lullaby trees, Where leaves sang soft songs in the night’s gentle breeze. Over a river of warm, flowing milk they rode, And through mountains of pillows the train tracks flowed.

In each dreamy town where the train made a stop, Sleepy children climbed aboard from bottom to top. They all wore pajamas of every hue, And carried their favorite stuffed animals too.

The Sleepy Train puffed through a tunnel of night, Where twinkling fireflies provided the light. And as they emerged on the other side, Ivy felt her eyelids growing heavy and wide.

The train began to slow as it neared journey’s end, And Ivy said goodbye to each sleepy new friend. She climbed down the steps with a yawn and a stretch, Finding herself back home in the blink of an eye’s catch.

Ivy crawled into bed, snug and warm as could be, Dreaming of the magical ride she’d been lucky to see. And as she drifted off to a land of sweet dreams, She heard in the distance, the Sleepy Train’s steam.

So if you’re ever awake when the clock strikes twelve, Listen for the whistle that into night delves. For the Sleepy Train might come passing your way, To take you on a dream ride until break of day.

And now, little one, as this tale comes to a close, It’s time for you too, to have a sweet doze. Remember that bedtime is a wonderful treat, Where adventures in dreamland, you’re sure to meet.

So snuggle down tight, and close your eyes, For your own Sleepy Train awaits in the skies. And as you drift off to that magical place, May sweet dreams and soft sleep, your night embrace.

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