Bedtime Bites

The Sleepy Dragon’s Bedtime Yawn

Young dragon Ryder learns the secret of bedtime yawns from Grandpa Slumber, overcoming his reluctance to sleep and embracing magical dreams.

  • 3 min read
The Sleepy Dragon’s Bedtime Yawn

High atop Misty Mountain, in a cozy cave filled with twinkling crystals, lived a young dragon named Ryder. Ryder was a curious and playful dragon with shimmering emerald scales and tiny wings that weren’t quite big enough for flying yet.

Every night, when the sun dipped below the horizon and painted the sky in shades of purple and orange, Ryder’s mother would call out, “Ryder, dear! It’s time for bed!”

But Ryder never wanted to go to sleep. He would hide behind stalagmites, pretend to be a sleeping rock, or even try to blend in with the sparkling cave walls. “Just five more minutes, Mama!” he’d plead.

One evening, as Ryder was chasing fireflies outside his cave, he heard a strange sound echoing through the mountains. “Yaaaaaawn,” it rumbled, deep and low.

Curious, Ryder followed the sound. He tiptoed past sleeping flowers and drowsy rabbits until he reached a clearing. There, he saw the biggest, oldest dragon he had ever laid eyes on. This ancient dragon had scales that shimmered like starlight and a long, flowing beard that looked like wisps of cloud.

“Hello, little one,” the old dragon said kindly. “I am Grandpa Slumber, the keeper of sweet dreams. What brings you out so late?”

Ryder shuffled his feet shyly. “I… I don’t want to go to bed,” he admitted.

Grandpa Slumber chuckled, a warm sound that made Ryder feel safe. “Ah, I see. Well, would you like to know a secret?”

Ryder’s eyes widened with excitement. He loved secrets! He nodded eagerly.

“The secret to a good night’s sleep,” Grandpa Slumber said, leaning in close, “is in the magic of a bedtime yawn.”

“A bedtime yawn?” Ryder asked, confused.

“Oh yes,” Grandpa Slumber nodded sagely. “When you yawn, you release all the worries and wiggles of the day. It makes room for wonderful dreams to fill your head.”

Ryder thought about this for a moment. “But how do I make myself yawn?” he asked.

Grandpa Slumber smiled. “Let me show you. First, take a deep breath in.” Ryder did as he was told, filling his little dragon lungs with the cool night air.

“Now, slowly let it out, opening your mouth wide,” Grandpa Slumber instructed.

As Ryder exhaled, he felt his jaw stretch open in a big, sleepy yawn. “Yaaaaaawn,” he went, mimicking the sound he had heard earlier.

Suddenly, Ryder felt his eyelids growing heavy. He blinked slowly, feeling calmer than he had ever felt before.

“There you go,” Grandpa Slumber said softly. “Now, let’s get you back to your cave.”

With droopy eyes and dragging feet, Ryder followed Grandpa Slumber back to his home. His mother was waiting at the entrance, a worried look on her face that melted into relief when she saw Ryder.

“Thank you, Grandpa Slumber,” Ryder’s mother said, nuzzling her son affectionately.

Grandpa Slumber winked at Ryder. “Remember, little one. When you feel too awake to sleep, just take a deep breath and let out a big, magical yawn.”

From that night on, Ryder never fussed about bedtime again. Every evening, he would take a deep breath, let out a big yawn, and snuggle into his bed of soft moss and warm embers. And as he drifted off to sleep, he would dream of soaring through starry skies with Grandpa Slumber, spreading the magic of bedtime yawns to all the creatures of Misty Mountain.

So remember, little ones, when it’s time for bed and you don’t feel sleepy, just take a deep breath and let out a big, magical yawn. Who knows what wonderful dreams await you?

The End.

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