Bedtime Bites

The Moon’s Soft Serenade

Two-year-old Wyatt falls asleep to a magical lullaby sung by the moon, accompanied by stars and visions of sleepy animals.

  • 2 min read
The Moon’s Soft Serenade

In a cozy little house, with a roof painted blue,
Lived a boy named Wyatt, who was only just two.
Each night as the stars began to appear,
Wyatt would giggle and clap with cheer.

For he knew that soon, as day turned to night,
The moon would arise, a beautiful sight.
But this evening was special, oh yes indeed,
For the moon had a song, a lullaby to lead.

Wyatt climbed into bed, his teddy bear tight,
And gazed out the window at the magical night.
The curtains swayed gently, as if keeping time,
To a melody sweet, a tune so sublime.

The moon, round and full, began to glow,
And whispered to Wyatt, ever so low:
“Little one, little one, time now for sleep,
Close your eyes tight, not a peep.”

Wyatt listened closely, his heart full of wonder,
As the moon’s song grew stronger, like far-off thunder:
“The flowers are nodding, the trees gently sway,
All creatures are resting at the end of the day.”

The stars joined in chorus, twinkling so bright,
Adding sparkle and magic to this musical night.
Wyatt’s eyelids grew heavy, but he fought to stay awake,
For this beautiful serenade, he didn’t want to forsake.

The moon continued softly, its voice like silk,
“The kittens are curled up, warm in their milk.
The puppies are dreaming of bones and of play,
While birdies are nestled, awaiting new day.”

Wyatt yawned widely, snuggling down in his bed,
As visions of sleepy animals danced in his head.
The moon’s gentle song flowed through the air,
Wrapping Wyatt in comfort, free from all care.

“The fishes are floating in seas calm and deep,
The bunnies are snug in their burrows asleep.
The world is at peace, bathed in starlight so fair,
So rest now, dear Wyatt, free from all care.”

As the last notes faded, soft as a sigh,
Wyatt drifted to sleep, a smile in his eye.
The moon kept watch, its gentle light beaming,
While Wyatt embarked on a night full of dreaming.

And so, every evening, as day turns to night,
The moon rises high, a comforting sight.
It sings to all children, its lullaby sweet,
Ensuring their slumber is peaceful and deep.

So when you look up at the sky oh so wide,
Remember the moon and its soft serenade.
It’s there just for you, a nighttime friend,
To sing you to sleep, as each day ends.

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