Bedtime Bites

The Goat Who Wanted to Be a Movie Star

Lottie, a farm goat with Hollywood dreams, auditions in town and unexpectedly lands a lead role in a barnyard comedy movie.

  • 3 min read
The Goat Who Wanted to Be a Movie Star
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Once upon a time, on a quaint little farm nestled between rolling hills, there lived a goat named Lottie. Lottie wasn’t like other goats. While her friends munched on grass and played headbutting games, Lottie dreamed of bright lights, red carpets, and her name in shining letters.

Every day, Lottie would stand on the highest hill, practicing her ‘baas’ in different tones. “Baa!” she’d say dramatically. “Baaaaa!” she’d whisper mysteriously. “BAA!” she’d shout with gusto. The other farm animals would watch, shaking their heads in amusement.

One sunny morning, Lottie announced to the farmyard, “I’m off to Hollywood to become a movie star!” The chickens clucked in surprise, the pigs oinked in confusion, and the cows simply mooed and continued chewing their cud.

Undeterred, Lottie packed her saddlebag with hay (a goat’s gotta eat!) and set off down the dusty road. She hadn’t gone far when she came across a sleepy turtle sunbathing on a rock.

“Excuse me,” Lottie said politely, “could you tell me the way to Hollywood?”

The turtle slowly opened one eye. “Hollywood? That’s a long way for little hooves. Why do you want to go there?”

“I’m going to be a movie star!” Lottie declared proudly.

The turtle chuckled. “A goat movie star? That’s new! Well, keep following this road, and you’ll get there… eventually.”

Lottie thanked the turtle and trotted on. As the sun began to set, she found herself in a bustling town. Bright lights flickered, and strange noises filled the air. “This must be Hollywood!” Lottie thought excitedly.

She clip-clopped down the sidewalk, looking for a movie studio. People stared and pointed, but Lottie was sure it was because they recognized her star potential.

Suddenly, she spotted a building with a big sign that read “AUDITIONS TODAY.” Lottie’s heart leaped with joy. This was her chance!

She pushed through the door with her nose and found herself in a room full of people. A man with a clipboard looked up, startled.

“Um, excuse me,” Lottie said, trying to sound as star-like as possible, “I’m here to audition.”

The room fell silent. Then, to Lottie’s surprise, everyone burst out laughing.

“A talking goat!” the man with the clipboard exclaimed. “This is perfect! We’re casting for a new comedy about a farm, and you’re exactly what we need!”

Before Lottie knew what was happening, she was ushered onto a stage. Lights flashed, cameras rolled, and Lottie did what she did best – she baa’d in all her different tones.

The director was thrilled. “You’re hired!” he shouted. “You’ll play the lead role of Gertie the Goat in our new movie, ‘Barnyard Bonanza’!”

Lottie could hardly believe her ears. She had done it! She was going to be a real movie star!

For the next few weeks, Lottie had the time of her life. She wore fancy costumes, had her hooves painted, and even got her own trailer filled with the tastiest hay she’d ever eaten.

When filming was over, Lottie returned to her farm, but now as a famous movie star. The other animals gathered around to hear her tales of Hollywood, and Lottie was more than happy to share.

From that day on, whenever Lottie stood on the hill practicing her ‘baas’, the other animals would join in, each dreaming of their own Hollywood adventure.

And so, Lottie the goat learned that sometimes, the most unexpected dreams can come true – even if you’re just a goat from a small farm who wants to be a big star.

The end.

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