The Glass Mountain and the Feathered Queen
A curious boy named Jack climbs a glass mountain, solves riddles, and meets the Feathered Queen, who grants him the gift of flight.
- 5 min read

Once upon a time, in a land where rainbows danced and stars sang lullabies, there lived a curious boy named Jack. Jack’s village nestled at the foot of a towering mountain made entirely of glass, its crystalline surface reflecting the colors of the sky.
Every night, Jack would gaze out his window at the Glass Mountain, wondering what secrets it held. The village elders spoke of a Feathered Queen who lived at the very top, ruling over a magical kingdom of talking birds and flying fish.
One morning, as Jack helped his mother in their vegetable garden, a shimmering feather floated down from the sky. It landed gently on a plump tomato, its iridescent colors sparkling in the sunlight.
“Look, Mama!” Jack exclaimed, carefully picking up the feather. “Do you think it’s from the Feathered Queen?”
His mother smiled warmly. “It very well could be, Jack. The Queen’s feathers are said to grant wishes to those pure of heart.”
Excited by this possibility, Jack held the feather close and whispered, “I wish I could meet the Feathered Queen and see her magical kingdom.”
To his amazement, the feather began to glow and lift into the air. It hovered for a moment before floating towards the Glass Mountain. Jack, his eyes wide with wonder, followed it.
As he approached the mountain’s base, Jack noticed something peculiar. Tiny stairs, no bigger than a mouse’s footprints, appeared on the glass surface. They spiraled up and around the mountain, twinkling like dewdrops in the morning light.
Without hesitation, Jack began to climb. The stairs were just the right size for his feet, and he marveled at how they seemed to appear with each step he took. As he climbed higher and higher, the world below grew smaller, and the clouds drew closer.
Halfway up the mountain, Jack met a golden oriole with eyes like sapphires. “Where are you going, little one?” the bird chirped.
“To meet the Feathered Queen,” Jack replied, showing the oriole the magical feather.
The oriole nodded wisely. “To reach her, you must solve three riddles. Here’s the first: What has keys but no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?”
Jack thought hard, his brow furrowed in concentration. Then, his face lit up. “A keyboard!” he exclaimed.
The oriole trilled happily. “Correct! Continue your journey, clever Jack.”
As Jack climbed higher, the air grew thin and misty. He soon encountered a silver fish swimming through the air as if it were water. The fish spoke in bubbling tones, “For the second riddle: I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?”
Jack pondered for a moment before answering confidently, “Fire!”
The fish did a joyful flip in the air. “Well done! You’re almost there.”
Near the summit, Jack met a wise old owl perched on a glass branch. The owl’s eyes twinkled as it asked, “For the final riddle: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?”
Jack closed his eyes, picturing the riddle in his mind. Suddenly, he opened them wide and declared, “A river!”
The owl hooted approvingly. “Brilliant, young Jack. The Feathered Queen awaits you.”
With a final step, Jack reached the top of the Glass Mountain. Before him stood a magnificent palace made of clouds and rainbows. In the center of a grand courtyard stood the Feathered Queen, her gown a tapestry of vibrant feathers that shimmered in the ethereal light.
The Queen smiled warmly at Jack. “Welcome, brave and clever Jack. You have shown courage, wit, and kindness on your journey. What is it you seek?”
Jack bowed respectfully. “Your Majesty, I wished to meet you and see your magical kingdom.”
The Feathered Queen laughed, a sound like tinkling bells. “And so you have! But tell me, what have you learned on your adventure?”
Jack thought for a moment. “I’ve learned that sometimes the biggest journeys start with the smallest steps, that it’s important to listen and think carefully, and that magic can be found if you believe in it.”
The Queen nodded approvingly. “Wise words, young Jack. For your insight, I grant you the gift of flight whenever you hold that magical feather. Use it to visit us whenever you wish, and to remind yourself that no dream is too high to reach.”
With a wave of her hand, the Queen conjured a slide made of rainbows. Jack laughed with delight as he slid all the way back to his village, clutching the magical feather close to his heart.
From that day on, Jack would often fly up to visit the Feathered Queen and her magical kingdom. He shared stories of his adventures with the children in his village, inspiring them to believe in the magic of dreams and the power of perseverance.
And so, as the stars twinkle and the moon smiles down, remember that with courage, kindness, and a little bit of magic, you too can climb any mountain – even one made of glass.
The End.