Bedtime Bites

Drift Away on a Cloud of Dreams

A little girl visits the magical Cloud of Dreams, where she helps weave dreams for the world's children.

  • 4 min read
Drift Away on a Cloud of Dreams
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Sage was a little girl with eyes full of wonder and a heart full of dreams. Every night, as the moon peeked through her window, she would snuggle into her cozy bed, eager for her nightly adventure.

“Time for sleep, my little star,” her mother would say, tucking her in with a gentle kiss.

But Sage wasn’t ready to close her eyes just yet. “Mommy, can you tell me about the cloud of dreams?” she asked, her voice soft and curious.

Her mother smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Of course, my love. The cloud of dreams is a magical place where all the sweetest dreams live. It floats high in the sky, waiting for sleepy children to visit.”

Sage’s eyes widened with excitement. “Can I go there tonight?”

“You can go anywhere in your dreams, my dear,” her mother replied, stroking Sage’s hair. “Just close your eyes and imagine.”

As Sage’s eyelids grew heavy, she felt a warm, gentle breeze caress her cheeks. Slowly, ever so slowly, she felt herself lifting off her bed, floating up towards her ceiling.

“Oh!” she gasped softly, watching as her room grew smaller and smaller below her.

Higher and higher she drifted, past the treetops and the streetlights, until she found herself surrounded by stars twinkling like tiny diamonds in the night sky.

And there, just ahead, was the most magnificent sight Sage had ever seen - a enormous, fluffy cloud that seemed to glow with a soft, silvery light.

As she approached, Sage could hear the faintest whisper of lullabies carried on the night breeze. The cloud looked so inviting, she couldn’t resist reaching out to touch it.

To her delight, her hand sank into the cloud as if it were the softest pillow she’d ever felt. With a giggle, Sage pulled herself onto the cloud, sinking into its plush embrace.

All around her, dreams danced and swirled like colorful butterflies. There were dreams of flying, dreams of underwater kingdoms, dreams of magical forests filled with talking animals.

Sage watched in wonder as a particularly sparkly dream floated by. It looked like a shimmering bubble, and inside she could see a unicorn prancing through a field of rainbow flowers.

“Hello there,” came a gentle voice. Sage turned to see a kind-faced woman with starlight in her hair. “Welcome to the Cloud of Dreams, little one. I’m the Dream Weaver.”

“It’s beautiful here,” Sage said, her voice filled with awe.

The Dream Weaver smiled. “Would you like to help me weave some dreams for the children of the world?”

Sage nodded eagerly, and the Dream Weaver showed her how to catch the floating wisps of imagination and weave them into beautiful dream-bubbles.

Together, they created dreams of soaring through the sky on the back of a dragon, exploring ancient castles full of hidden treasures, and picnics in meadows where the flowers sang sweet melodies.

As they worked, the Dream Weaver hummed a soft lullaby:

“Float away on clouds so light, Dreams await you in the night. Close your eyes and drift along, Carried by this gentle song.”

Sage found herself yawning, her eyes growing heavy once more. The Dream Weaver noticed and said gently, “It’s time for you to have your own dreams now, little one.”

She helped Sage lie down on the softest part of the cloud, covering her with a blanket woven from stardust.

“Sweet dreams, Sage,” the Dream Weaver whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead.

As Sage drifted off to sleep on the Cloud of Dreams, she felt warm, safe, and filled with wonder. She knew that no matter what adventures awaited her in her dreams, she would always remember this magical night.

And as the first light of dawn began to paint the sky, Sage found herself back in her own bed, snuggled up with her favorite teddy bear.

Her mother came in to wake her, surprised to find Sage already awake and smiling.

“Did you have sweet dreams, my little star?” she asked.

Sage nodded, her eyes twinkling. “The sweetest dreams ever, Mommy. And I can’t wait

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